Data Centers, Storage and Deletion
Qwickly Attendance products are deployed on Amazon Web Services' (AWS) servers and use an AWS Aurora Instance in which to store data. We do not own any of the data centers, our AWS Aurora Instance has three locations: us-east-2a, located in Ohio, USA, eu-west-2 in London, England and au-east located in Sydney, Australia. For more information, please refer to the official AWS release on their practices. Qwickly stores attendance records of existing clients for 7 years. Data instances are automatically deleted 60 days after a client leaves the platform or after the expiration of a trial/pilot. This waiting period provides ample time to download data. Records and data-points can be deleted immediately upon leaving the platform by client request. If an institution decides to turn off the ‘cache student data’ option after having it turned on, previous student data would be retained until a request to remove it was made.
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