Qwickly allows its users to add new accounts to their connected clients or instances in the Qwickly Dashboard. These new users can be assigned roles, which will allow them various levels of access throughout the Dashboard.
The following is a list of roles, how to assign them, and what access they will provide to the selected user:
ClientAdmin: The user who does the initial Client registration with Qwickly is assigned the ClientAdmin role by default.
The ClientAdmin role can control everything that is connected to their Clients. This user can perform the following actions:
- Add or remove instances that are part of their ClientUpdate the Attendance System Settings for all instances connected to their Client through "Manage Instances"
- Access Attendance Pro if they have a valid Attendance Pro license
- Add new users to the Qwickly Dashboard and assign them roles.
InstanceAdmin: This user has access to the instance(s) connected to them when assigning them this role. This user can perform the following actions:
- Update the Attendance System Settings for their connected Instance(s)
- Access Attendance Pro if they have a valid Attendance Pro license.
AttendanceProAdmin: This user has access to Attendance Pro for the instance(s) connected to them when assigning them this role. This user can perform the following actions:
- Access Attendance Pro for the selected Instance(s)
- Update Attendance Pro Settings
AttendanceProReporting: This user has access to Attendance Pro for the instance(s) connected to them when assigning them this role, and will be able to perform the following actions:
- Access to all of the Reports within Attendance Pro
AttendanceProGroups: This user has access to Attendance Pro for the selected instance, and will be able to perform the following actions:
- Access Attendance Pro group reports for selected group(s).
- More information on setting up group reporting access for this role: https://qwickly.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040228451-Qwickly-Attendance-Pro-Restrict-Dashboard-Users-ability-to-run-reports-to-specific-groups
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